Klean Kanteen is a big name in the world of going green and doing good. In 2004, Klean Kanteen was launched onto the market to give people a better option than plastic and lined aluminum bottles: a safe, healthy, lightweight, reusable bottle free of Bisphenol A (BPA) and other toxin substances. Since the early days, Klean Kanteen have sprung into action to create a world of good in a world that could really use some help. With safe products ranging from baby bottles...
...to food canisters...
...you always know you're eating and drinking your water from a toxin-free bottle (right on down to the sustainable packaging) with stainless steel interior options so your drink never touches plastic. Klean Kanteen products are handmade and designed to last!
Browse Klean Kanteen's phenomenal line of products on their website and join in the love on their Facebook page, too!
Klean Kanteen have generously offered for one of my donors to receive their very own insulated Kanteen -- in an insulated Kanteen, contents can stay hot up to 6 hours, while iced drinks stay frosty for more than 24 hours! -- in the color of their choice as well as one of their awesome cafe caps (to turn any drink into a splashproof to-go mug)! The 100% stainless steel interior won't retain any flavor, making sure each drink tastes as fresh as the last, no matter what you put into your Kanteen!
And the winner is...
#17 - Deborah B.
YAY! I can't wait to fall in love with it!