So, it's likely no secret I'm totally crazy about Truly Sanctuary. I'd admit how frequently I browse and bookmark things I love in their boutique but then I'd look a little crazy. (Not that I don't already -- you know, staying up all night and all.) Let's just let Ethan looking beyond adorable in his Truly Sanctuary "I'm Into Zen" tee do the talking:
(The shirt! The shoes! The skinnies! The I can't believe my big boy was that little once!) Anyway, Truly Sanctuary is amazing apparel store on Etsy that carries amazing clothing for infants up to adults. Each item in their store is cooler than the next.
Do yourself a favor (you'll thank me later) and browse their shop on Etsy. You'll fall in love. I do. Regularly! TrulySanctuary are on Facebook, too!
In honor of the Blogathon, TrulySanctuary have generously offered TWO of my donors the opportunity to win any item of their choosing from their shop! (Beyond amazing, right?!)
Without further ado, the winners are...
#10 - Deborah B. & #86 - Meghan H.
omg I love that pic of Ethan!!